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Advent Colouring Pages
Prepare for the coming of Christ with our Advent Colouring Pages! It is for children, youths and even adults to slow down and meditate through this activity. Allowing the Holy...
Advent Colouring Pages
Prepare for the coming of Christ with our Advent Colouring Pages! It is for children, youths and even adults to slow down and meditate through this activity. Allowing the Holy...

Family Prayers
Prayers for Parents We all turn to prayers in time of need, below is a collection of simple prayers that is suitable for all adults and children to pray together...
Family Prayers
Prayers for Parents We all turn to prayers in time of need, below is a collection of simple prayers that is suitable for all adults and children to pray together...

Nativity Scene (Cut-out Activity)
This resource is meant to encourage children to experience Advent in a more meaningful way. We hope that families will anticipate and wait for the coming of baby Jesus together.Be...
Nativity Scene (Cut-out Activity)
This resource is meant to encourage children to experience Advent in a more meaningful way. We hope that families will anticipate and wait for the coming of baby Jesus together.Be...

Stations of The Cross
We release a new colouring page every Wednesday and Saturday this Lenten season! This resource is meant for children to experience the 14 Stations of the Cross with their parents....
Stations of The Cross
We release a new colouring page every Wednesday and Saturday this Lenten season! This resource is meant for children to experience the 14 Stations of the Cross with their parents....

Easter (Year C) Colouring Pages
This resource is meant to encourage children to experience Easter in its entirety. In doing so, we hope that both children and parents will experience the joy of His glorious...
Easter (Year C) Colouring Pages
This resource is meant to encourage children to experience Easter in its entirety. In doing so, we hope that both children and parents will experience the joy of His glorious...